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Animated Profile Pictures For Discord Tiktok Instagram And Steam

Animated Profile Pictures for Discord, TikTok, Instagram, and Steam

Get Ready for Animated PFPs

Animated profile pictures, also known as PFPs, are becoming increasingly popular on various social media platforms. Whether it's Discord, TikTok, Instagram, or Steam, users are now able to express themselves with lively and attention-grabbing animated avatars that add an extra layer of personality to their online presence.


For Discord users, enabling animated PFPs is as easy as clicking on the User Settings icon at the bottom of the desktop app and selecting "Edit user." One of the first options available is to upload an animated PFP, allowing users to showcase their unique style or hobbies.

TikTok and Instagram

On TikTok and Instagram, animated PFPs can be created using a variety of online tools. Creavite, for example, offers a free Discord profile banner maker and logo maker that can be used to design and animate profile pictures. Once created, these PFPs can be easily uploaded to both platforms.


For Steam users, a plugin called UserPFP enables the use of animated profile pictures without the need for Nitro. This plugin allows users to upload and set animated PFPs, adding a dynamic touch to their Steam profile.

Stay Tuned for More

In the coming weeks, we will be delving deeper into the world of animated PFPs, exploring the various tools available for their creation, and showcasing some of the most creative and eye-catching examples. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and advancements in personalized profile pictures.
